
Troubleshooting Metafields

Here are some reasons why your metafields might not show up

Storefront access disabled

Go to your metafield definition, check Storefront access box and click on save.

Incorrect format

Make sure you using product.metafields.namespace.key, not product.metafields.key.namespace. For example, if your namespace is size and key is height, the correct way to access it is product.metafields.size.height.

Not added on Fuego

You've to add the metafields you want to access on Fuego. To do this:

  1. Open a products screen and click on Metafields.
  1. Add the namespace/key of the metafields and click on Save.

Contact us

If you're still unable to access the metafields, shoot us an email at and we'll look into it.