Apple Pay

Apple Pay


  1. Go to Settings and click on Apps and sales channels.

  2. Click on Develop apps.

  3. Click on create app and give the app a recognizable name. You may need to accept some terms and conditions if you haven't enabled custom apps for your store.

  4. Click on configure Storefront API Access scopes.

  5. Select unauthenticated_write_checkouts and unauthenticated_read_checkouts and click Save. Then, click on Install App in the top right corner.

  6. Navigate back to Configuration and click on Edit.

  7. Now scroll down to iOS Buy SDK and click on Download file.

  8. Navigate over to API Credentials and copy the Storefront API access token. Then visit

  9. Paste the Storefront API access token you copied in step 8 and upload the apple_pay.csr file that you downloaded earlier.

  10. We'll send you an email with a secure link to a file titled apple_pay.cer in roughly an hour. Please navigate back to SettingsApps and sales channelsDevelop appsSelect the App you created in step 3ConfigurationEdit. Now scroll down to iOS Buy SDK and upload the file we emailed you and then delete it from your computer. Note: If you don't see an option to Upload the file. Please click on Download and then you would be able to upload the file titled apple_pay.cer that we emailed you.

  1. Once you are done, let us know by emailing your designated app implementation specialist or, We'll then submit a new build of your app to the App Store and once it's approved, Apple Pay will be available on your app!